Why use craft plasters?
Beauty, pure and simple
The most compelling reason to use craft plasters is that they are incomparably beautiful, with tones and textures that make you want to touch them. And some of them can do it without harmful chemicals.
How pure?
Our clay plaster is made from 3 ingredients: Clay + Sand + Mineral Pigment
Our lime plaster is made from 4 ingredients = Lime + Pumice + Cellulose Glue + Mineral Pigment
Health and Environmental Benefits
Natural plasters have been used to protect and beautify our built environments for as long as people have been building homes. Think adobe and think ancient Roman aqueducts. Today, we turn to those same age-old technologies as a healthy and green alternative to the synthetic wall coverings used in most conventional construction.
Moderates Humidity
Between showering, cooking, and breathing, a family of four can produce 2 gallons of moisture a day and that water needs to go somewhere! Clay and lime plasters are vapor-permeable, meaning they will not trap moisture. Clay plaster has the ability to store excess moisture and release it back out when the indoor air has dried out, creating a more comfortable environment.
Inhibits Mold Growth
When moisture penetrates conventional wall systems and hits an impermeable layer like latex paint, it has no way to escape, creating a breeding ground for mold and mildew. Natural plasters release water vapor, preventing condensation and protecting materials within the wall that are normally at risk for mold and mildew.
Non-toxic Alternative to Paint and Cement Stucco
Most of our modern-day wall-coverings contain VOC’s (Volatile Organic Compounds). VOC’s are harmful chemicals, such as methylene chloride, benzene, and formaldehyde. These chemicals will continue to off-gas into our homes for years after they’ve been installed with consequences to our respiratory health. Our natural plasters do not contain VOC’s. Many readily-available plasters do not disclose their ingredients and can contain unhealthy additives. To maintain purity, we only work with companies that share their contents or we make our own plasters from scratch.
Improves Indoor Air Quality
In addition to chemical off-gassing and mold, dust is another contributor to poor indoor air quality. Clay plaster repels, rather than attracts dust and allergens, making it ‘self-cleaning’ and an excellent option for people with asthma. Plus, clay emits negative ions, which improve mood and help counteract the harmful effects of electronic and plastic pollution.
Low Embodied-Energy
Conventional construction is a leading contributor to greenhouse gas emissions. The hyper-processing of building materials such as cement and paint means that these materials already have high embodied-energy (the energy used to create, transport, and package a material) before they reach your front door. Natural plasters require significantly less processing; they are gentle on the planet.
Naturally Abundant Material
By one estimate, there is enough clay to cover the surface of the earth with a layer one mile thick. Having ample, local access to clay means that we can source quality materials for our plasters without needing to travel far from our projects. Limestone is also an abundant natural material and, although lime hardens like cement, it requires less energy to produce than cement.